Package: datavolley 1.9.2

Ben Raymond

datavolley: Reading and Analyzing DataVolley Scout Files

Provides functions for parsing and working with volleyball match files in DataVolley format.

Authors:Ben Raymond [aut, cre], Adrien Ickowicz [aut], Tyler Widdison [aut], David Awosoga [ctb], Christophe Elek [ctb], Kornel Kilinski [ctb], [org]

datavolley.pdf |datavolley.html
datavolley/json (API)

# Install 'datavolley' in R:
install.packages('datavolley', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

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8.31 score 31 stars 11 packages 94 scripts 71 exports 40 dependencies

Last updated 1 months agofrom:98f404f431. Checks:8 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 24 2025
R-4.5-winOKFeb 24 2025
R-4.5-macOKFeb 24 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 24 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 24 2025
R-4.4-macOKFeb 24 2025
R-4.3-winOKFeb 24 2025
R-4.3-macOKFeb 24 2025




Rendered fromdatavolley.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 24 2025.

Last update: 2022-04-24
Started: 2021-07-11

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Check for similar player namescheck_player_names
'datavolley'datavolley-package datavolley
Generate a short, human-readable text summary of one or more actionsdv_action2text
Translate attack type and starting zone into an attack code.dv_attack_code_map
Nominal descriptions for standard attack codesdv_attack_code2desc
Nominal starting coordinate for standard attack codesdv_attack_code2loc
Set type for standard attack codesdv_attack_code2set_type
Attack side for standard attack codesdv_attack_code2side
Attack phasedv_attack_phase
The polygon coordinates for attack conesdv_cone_polygons
Attack cones to x, y coordinatesdv_cone2xy
Plot a volleyball court diagramdv_court
Create a meta attack data.frame from the plays object if it is missingdv_create_meta_attacks
Example DataVolley files provided as part of the datavolley packagedv_example_file
Fake coordinate datadv_fake_coordinates
Find coordinates that need flippingdv_find_to_flip_coordinates
Flip the x,y court coordinatesdv_flip_index dv_flip_x dv_flip_xy dv_flip_y
Plot a court heatmap, using base graphicsdv_heatmap
Grid index to x,y coordinate and vice-versadv_index2xy dv_xy2index
Convert integer colour to RGBdv_int2rgb dv_rgb2int
Get or set the video metadata in a datavolley objectdv_meta_video dv_meta_video<-
Create a new plot page for base graphics plottingdv_plot_new
Point phasedv_point_phase
Read a DataVolley or VolleyStation filedv_read read_dv
Read a team roster (*.sq) filedv_read_sq
Attempt to repair a datavolley objectdv_repair
Summarize the video sync times in a dvw filedv_sync_summary
Synchronize video timesdv_sync_contact_times dv_sync_offsets dv_sync_video
Additional validation checks on a DataVolley filedv_validate validate_dv
Write a datavolley object to dvw filedv_write write_dv
Court zones to x, y coordinatesdv_xy
Convert x, y coordinates to conesdv_xy2cone
Convert x, y coordinates to zones and subzonesdv_xy2subzone
Convert x, y coordinates to zonesdv_xy2zone
Summarize a list of volleyball matchesdvlist_summary
Find first attacks by the receiving team (i.e. attacks associated with a serve reception)find_first_attack
Find a particular match in a list of datavolley objectsfind_match
Attempt to build a player name remapping tablefind_player_name_remapping
Generate information about runs of eventsfind_runs
Find servesfind_serves
Find each entry in y that follows each entry in xfindnext
Find each entry in y that precedes each entry in xfindprev
Find aces that might not be marked as suchfix_ace_evaluations
ggplot volleyball courtggcourt
Convenience function for inspecting the plays component of a datavolley objectinspect
Figure out the phase of play associated with each pointplay_phase
Extract the plays component from a datavolley object, or assign a new oneplays plays<-
Print method for summary.datavolleyprint.summary.datavolley
Print method for summary.datavolleylistprint.summary.datavolleylist
Change player informationremap_player_info
Change player namesremap_player_names
Change team namesremap_team_names
Find serve win pointsserve_win_points
Translate skill evaluation codes into meaningful summary phrasesskill_evaluation_decoder
A simple summary of a volleyball matchsummary.datavolley
Get team names and IDs from datavolley objecthome_team home_team_id teams visiting_team visiting_team_id